Sunday 13 June 2010

Create Ebook by is a great program ,and it is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers.
you can download it free from the link below.

Download Open 3.2.1

And i make an ebook in pdf extension , explain on it how you can make an ebook with hyper links and book marks, likes professionals.
Note:- the book in Arabic Language.

Combo boxes

Using combo boxes in Excel separated sheet it is to useful in modern education , and make the students take the learning with more interesting and exciting .

Here i make four separated sheet contain combo boxes.

1- Scientists Information's

2-Quantity and unit physics quiz

3- Electricity Quiz

4- chemistry quiz

hyperlinks in powerpoint

Hyperlinks in power point and in another office program is so useful, we can use it to make a quiz and to make intresting education notes.
here i make a quiz and notes.

1- Relativity quize

2- Educational notes like a book about (Electrostatic) download it and enjoy every thing about
Electrostatic inside these 54 slidshow.
a- download it like a show

b- download it like apresentation

powerpoint slideshow ( hot spot and shaping)

Hot spot and hide shaping are an ecxiting methods to make Students think more than one time about the problems , and discover the ideas of lessons.